
Lost soul aside characters
Lost soul aside characters


Well I think that more important than the flaws is that profane don't see them, I think we can learn from THAT instead of nitpicking stuff.ġ. I still hope the dev gets a good return on his tremendous efforts and wish him good luck. Its clearly not my game both because of gameplay and visual styling, and I question wheter some decisions when it comes to quality especially in the cutscenes were wise given that you still can clearly see the limitations, and if the trailer really does a good job on selling the title. There are parts of what is on show that I thouroughly like. Really, I applaud the dev for getting this far on his own. But it clearly is to long for a simple show off trailer, and to badly structured and "narrated" to be a very informative story or gameplay trailer. I am not saying the trailer is BAD, especially once you read the "one guy made all of this" narrative. Which kind of made me wonder if there is any substance behind the cutscenes in the game, or if it is just showing off. Seems like the cutscene moments of the trailer were just there to show off the visual quality of the cutscenes. Well, I will from now on wait for reviews before watching a Pixar movie.


I went to two Pixar movies lately because the Trailers looked hilarious, only to find out the trailers were actually just the only good part of the movie ripped out of it and shown in whole, while the rest of the movie followed an extremly boring cookie cutter story.

lost soul aside characters

but I don't think that is a good thing to do. I know, its the current fad in movie trailers to just show a cut together bunch of highlights that just show action and explosions, without giving the viewer ANY hint of the story unfolding. The cutscenes do not really tell any meaningful story. Could have been cut to fewer highlights, or instead with added text blurps hinting at the gameplay features included. Gameplay looks repetitive, though the cool animations do stand out. it just doesn't seem to communicate anything that well. Just - make - the - characters - look - distinct! If that means adding some ugly characters, I am all for it. I mean come on, not every hero and villain has to look like a supermodel. Besides the crappy costumes, that would also be the sameish looking faces. So I do not really dig the character design.


Its the one thing that really killed the series for me after FF7 (besides dumbing down the explorative aspects and the stories becoming more and more baroque). Dunno about the gameplay, I am not into button mashers. Which is quite a feat with 3D animations. Distinctively japanese anime style, but well done. Just take the money spent on voice acting (I hope you DID spend something on it ), and re-invest it where it has a better impact. ESPECIALLY if paired to stiff facial animation. Your players can read, and a good bunch enjoy reading more than hearing badly recorded voice acting. Really, a shout out for Indies to stop trying to imitate the voice acting shenigans of the big boys and just go with text boxes. they fall into the uncanny valley were a cutscene looks to real to get away with mistakes in models, animation and voice acting, but is not well done enough to crawl out of that hole. That companion’s other utilities are shown off later in the trailer when it morphs into a hoverboard and even a pair of wings for Kazer.The cutscenes are meh. Kazer attacks his opponent with multiple lengthy combos in which he transforms his crystal dragon companion into different weapons.

lost soul aside characters

This first encounter also shows off the influence Devil May Cry has had on Lost Soul Aside. The ensuing battle has both characters throwing out massive attacks that spawn dozens of magical swords and fling rays of energy. Kazer, the game’s main protagonist, fights against a white-haired man with a golden sword in its first moments. The gameplay trailer for Lost Soul Aside, which debuted last week, shows off the game’s blend of Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry mechanics. As of writing, Lost Soul Aside’s reveal trailer has nearly four million views. Other trailers for the game have been released in 20, but neither managed to garner as much attention as its reveal. Lost Soul Aside was originally revealed in 2016 by its sole developer Yang Bing, who had made the game entirely from Unreal Engine assets. After its announcement in 2016 and drop from the public eye, Lost Soul Aside has returned with a new gameplay trailer, revealing that it will now be launching on the PlayStation 5.

Lost soul aside characters